CS373 Fall 2020 — Lauren Mangibin

Lauren Mangibin
2 min readOct 12, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This past week our team had to create the docker images as well as create all the data sets. The feedback we got from our first project was that they didn’t see the connection between our cities and countries model to each year. They were unfortunately right, so we had to find different data sets and connect them together so we would have country and city information from the years 1880–2018. We were able to finish this using Jupyter Notebook and pandas (bless up for data mining skillz!).

We also made a plan for what the frontend is going to look like and are currently implementing the website.

What’s in your way?

None of the frontend members have extensive knowledge about Typescript, Javascript, or React. Although we have experience with app development and similar concepts to web development, we still have a large learning curve to go through. Also, our docker-compose may not be working properly, but we decided to push it over to next week.

What will you do next week?

Next week, we are going to get this project finished! We have to study for the test as well, so the project may be put on hold for a little. The backend is working really hard on getting our API up so the frontend can start fetching the information needed from it.

If you read it, what did you think of The Open-Closed Principle?

Have not read it yet, but will do soon!

What was your experience of iterators, generators, and yield?

Professor Downing is really emphasizing iterators, especially the fact that an iterator on an iterator returns itself! I think he’s said that multiple times in the past few weeks, so fo sho it’ll be on the test. I found generators to be interesting, specifically because there are so many ways to iterate through a list. I keep forgetting that a generator exhausts its container (I don’t know how to put it). Yield is also an interesting concept.

What made you happy this week?

My friend came in clutch when my computer wouldn’t boot up. He was able to install a new Ubuntu distro on my disk when I accidentally overwrote the file table with Gparted live. Fortunately, I was able to save and backup all my files before everything fell apart, so my computer is okay!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?


Yeah. Be careful if you’re doing anything with your disk.



Lauren Mangibin
Lauren Mangibin

Written by Lauren Mangibin


Computer Science Student at UT Austin

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