CS371p Spring 2020: Lauren Mangibin
Entry 1
Where did you grow up?
I lived in five different states growing up, but I moved to Austin, TX in 6th grade and stayed here ever since.
What high school did you go to?
I went to the Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School (LASA) in Austin.
What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?
I loved playing lacrosse in high school. I played defensive midfield, and I enjoyed the rush of aggressively shouting “GOT BALL!” while playing man on man. As a 5'1" girl, I always get asked, “Don’t you have to be tall to play lacrosse?” Honestly, I think that’s why I started playing, just so I could prove it could be done.
I’m also still passionate about woodworking and machinery because I had been doing it since 7th grade. I cut out 64-tooth gear with the scroll saw to create a “perpetual” motion machine and built my own alarm system with an Arduino and laser sensors.
Why did you come to UT?
UT had more opportunities compared to the other colleges I had been accepted to. It was bigger, there were more people and organizations, and it was in the city I had known for so long.
Why are you majoring in CS?
I always knew I was going to do something in STEM but I didn’t know exactly what because I flip-flopped between Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and CS. Ultimately, I decided to go with CS because of the Women in CS club at LASA. They were a community that encouraged me to be excited about the field because of how versatile it was, and I could combine my passions for chemistry and mechanical engineering with the field.
Why are you in this class?
I want to improve my programming skills this semester and create a stronger foundation for myself as I continue learning CS.
What are your expectations for this class?
From what I’ve been told, this class is rewarding as it teaches you applicable skills for industry and develops you to be an effective programmer. I’m excited to push myself to work hard and learn as much as I can from this class.
How much C/C++/Java programming do you already know?
I am proficient in Java because it was the first language I learned, and I also know enough C from Computer Architecture and Operating Systems to understand pointers (although I still definitely could be better). In regards to C++, I have a little experience from working with Arduinos and the Robot Operating System (ROS) in FRI.
How did you like the first couple of lectures?
I enjoy Downing’s lectures! I love how interactive they are and how I get to meet new people every class. I like the way he guides his students to the answer. He is encouraging and friendly, creating a great learning environment.
How did you feel about the cold calling?
I feel somewhat nervous about the cold calling because my mind goes blank right after he asks a question, but from seeing how patient he is, I know I’ll be completely fine.
What made you happy this week?
I made it into the UT Barkada dance team! UT Barkada is a competitive hip-hop dance group on campus that competes at Goodphil, a state-wide competition between the Filipino Student Associations (FSA) in Texas.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to plan out your schedule and get yourself organized before the semester really starts. Mark test dates, quiz dates, and big events so you can plan accordingly. Have a planner that tells you when homework is due, or synch the Canvas calendar with your own.
(If anyone has any time management apps, please let me know because I have to get organized too!)