cs371p Spring 2020: Lauren Mangibin
Entry 9
Are you and your family safe and sound where you are?
Yes, I’m very grateful that my family and I have the ability to stay at home. There’s a stay-at-home order in Austin, so we haven’t gone out for a while, and everyone in our neighborhood is complying with the order.
How do feel about your ability to finish the term completely online?
It’s a little sad that I won’t be able to see everyone in person, but other than that, I think online classes won’t be too bad. The only thing I’m worried about is connectivity issues during tests while using Proctorio. When the connection goes out, it automatically ends the test. Of course, I’m sure if I notify the professor, then everything will be fine, but the possibility of something going wrong makes me a little anxious.
What made you happy this week?
Spending time with my brother! We’ve just been singing, dancing, and having jazz jam sessions for the past two weeks while staying home.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Continue to stay productive! We are still in school, after all, so I’m going to follow what I would have normally done at UT (and hopefully wake up early enough to do it…). Since I have so much free time due to extracurriculars being canceled, I’m going to use it to develop a new skill or improve on other ones.
I hope everything goes well for you this semester! :)
Stay safe!