CS371p Spring 2020: Lauren Mangibin
Entry 4
What did you do this past week?
This past week, I set up the Voting repo for the new project, added issues, and started working on the voting_read method to read in the input. I am working with Peter Cui for this project, so we met up and discussed how we wanted to do the project.
What’s in your way?
Mostly time commitments… I have practice every night and exams coming up this week, so finding time to work with Peter is a bit challenging. I also don’t know how to make most of the files for this project, so it’ll be a bit challenging to figure out.
What will you do next week?
Next week, I will look at the Collatz project for examples on how to build the makefile and the read, write, eval methods. We will also finish reading in the input correctly this upcoming week. We need to find a way to read in the ballots and store them in the correct data structure. We also need to make sure that it compiles…
What was your experience of Project #1: Collatz (the problem, the overkill requirements of submission, etc.)?
Project 1 contentwise was very easy. I was able to get the HackerRank part done right away. The hardest part was learning the commands for making the doxygen file and running valgrind and gcov and all the other program checking tools. The workflow is not in order, so I had to clone my repo 5 times to figure out the steps. I also was not able to change the doxyfile, so I had to override permissions to edit the file. It was a rough process, but now I know how to do it!
What made you happy this week?
I went home for my brother’s birthday, and it was a very relaxing weekend. I ate lots of Filipino food (because home-cooked Filipino food is the best) and if you’ve eaten with me, you know how much I love food.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to start on projects and assignments early. I know it’s been said every day by everyone, but this is more of a reminder for me too because (*sighs*)
So yes. Start early.